2014-09-01 20:00:00 UTC
Number: 49171
Category: kern
Synopsis: panic when closing a pty
Confidential: no
Severity: serious
Priority: medium
Responsible: kern-bug-people
State: open
Class: sw-bug
Submitter-Id: net
Arrival-Date: Mon Sep 01 20:00:00 +0000 2014
Originator: Alan Barrett
Release: NetBSD 7.99.1
Not muchCategory: kern
Synopsis: panic when closing a pty
Confidential: no
Severity: serious
Priority: medium
Responsible: kern-bug-people
State: open
Class: sw-bug
Submitter-Id: net
Arrival-Date: Mon Sep 01 20:00:00 +0000 2014
Originator: Alan Barrett
Release: NetBSD 7.99.1
NetBSD 7.99.1 i386
Sometimes, when I exit from a shell inside a virtual window inside
screen, I get a panic, apparently from ptyfs_reclaim passing a NULL
struct mount * pointer as the first arg to vcache_remove.
This is a new problem since the changes to ptyfs a few weeks ago.
Install screen from pkgsrc/misc/screen.
Run screen inside an xterm.
Open several shell windows inside screen.
Use some of the shell windows actively, and let some stay idle for a
Switch to an idle window and press ^D (end of file). This sill
sometimes exit the shell and close the screen window, as desired, but it
will sometimes crash.
Here's a backtrace:
at breakpoint+0x4
91,c597dc38) at vpanic+0x121
0,0,d2bcbe30) at kvtopte.part.1
f0) at vcache_remove+0x13f
,dd8dce33) at ptyfs_reclaim+0x2d
vclean(ce0e11c0,cddb62d0,dd8dce80,c09e612e,c9b9a580,509,0,dd8dce70,c104bc0c,4) a
t vclean+0xdd
vgone(c9b9a580,509,0,dd8dce70,c104bc0c,4,c9b9a580,cddb62d0,c53e9560,c8219040) at
040) at vrevoke+0x92
cddb62d0) at genfs_revoke+0x1a
at VOP_REVOKE+0x4a
81c7000) at exit1+0x677
sys_exit(c53e9560,dd8dcf68,dd8dcf60,81c7000,c8437370,c0f5a92c,dd8dcf68,0,0,0) at
syscall() at syscall+0x83
--- syscall (number 1) ---
Notice the NULL first argument to vcache_remove. This NULL is passed
to hash32_buf which tries to access memory through the pointer, and
triggers a panic
Let's examine the pointer passed to ptyfs_reclaim:
crash> exa/xl dd8dcdfc
dd8dcdfc: c0cb8df0
c0cb8df0 should be a pointer to a vnode.
crash> show vnode c0cb8df0
crash> show vnode/f c0cb8df0
No output. I wonder why. At least its not a pointer to a
completely zeroed struct vnode:
crash> exa/m c0cb8df0,10
vop_reclaim_desc: 20000000 a69fd9c0 00000000 0c8ecbc0 ...............
vop_reclaim_desc+0x10: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 04000000 ................
vop_reclaim_vp_offsets+0x4: ffffffff 1f000000 b29fd9c0 00010000 ........
vop_inactive_desc+0xc: 308ecbc0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0...............
In case it makes any difference, I use init.chroot to run almost
everything except the kernel in a chroot; the /dev in the chroot is
a symlink to /***@machine, which resolves to /dev.i386 due to magic
symlinks. mount(8) inside the chroot shows:
ptyfs on /dev.i386/pts type ptyfs (local)