port-amd64/49292: Unexpected failure installing src sets from media
2014-10-18 18:30:00 UTC
Number: 49292
Category: port-amd64
Synopsis: Unexpected failure installing src sets from media
Confidential: no
Severity: non-critical
Priority: medium
Responsible: port-amd64-maintainer
State: open
Class: sw-bug
Submitter-Id: net
Arrival-Date: Sat Oct 18 18:30:00 +0000 2014
Originator: David Ross
Release: 6.1.5
Installing NetBSD, if you pick some source sets to install, the installation will fail if you proceed normally. It's necessary to install via HTTP or some other mechanism.

I think it's fine if the src sets don't fit or shouldn't be a part of the install media. It's just a bad experience going through install. If the solution isn't simply to add the src sets to the media, then at least the install should guide the user to avoid this failure mode in a common install scenario.
1. Install NetBSD (amd64).
2. As you go through the install, choose to install some src sets.
3. Pick the option to install from "CD-ROM / DVD / install image media."
4. Observe the error, eg: "Release set /source/sets/syssrc.tgz does not exist."
Expected behavior: A better install experience, perhaps guiding me to install via HTTP if src sets have been selected.
Martin Husemann
2014-10-18 18:41:02 UTC
Side note: this has been fixed in netbsd-7 and -current, but apparently
not been pulled up to the netbsd-6 branch.

Martin Husemann
2014-10-18 18:45:01 UTC
The following reply was made to PR port-amd64/49292; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Martin Husemann <***@duskware.de>
To: gnats-***@NetBSD.org
Cc: port-amd64-***@netbsd.org, gnats-***@netbsd.org,
Subject: Re: port-amd64/49292: Unexpected failure installing src sets from media
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 20:41:02 +0200

Side note: this has been fixed in netbsd-7 and -current, but apparently
not been pulled up to the netbsd-6 branch.

